Homes of Agatha / Agathine domovy
Agatha s Homes / Agathine domovy
Agatha Christie was born on 15. September 1890 in wonderful sea-side town of Devon, in Torquay in picturesque Devon County During her life she lives on diverse places, in diverse houses. /
Agatha Christie sa narodila 15. septembra 1890 v prekrásnom prímorskom mestečku v Devone, v Torquay,
v malebnom grófstve Devon. Počas života bývala na rôznych miestach, v rôznych domoch.
Click on picture above to see Devon - isn't it a most beautiful county of the Earth? /
Klikni na horný obrázok a pozri si Devon - no nie je to najkrajší kraj na svete?
Ashfield was Agatha Christies birth house in Torquay. It's a pity that till now-a-days stays only memorial stone of it... / Rodným domom Agathy Christie bol Ashfield v Torquay. Je škoda, že dnes už ostal po ňom iba pamätný kameň...
means places in in Torquay connected with her life and works. I went over the Mile during our journey in 2010. / znamená miesta v Torquay spojené s jej životom a dielom. Prešla som ju na našej ceste v r. 2010.
Click on Gallery / Klikni na galériu
1. Grand Hotel - Agatha and Archie Christie spent there a few days of their honeymoon.
2. Princess Pier - favorite place for AC's roller-skating
3. Princess Garden - nice place for Agatha to date with her admirers
4. Pavilion - AC visited here diverse music concerts (now-a-days there is Shopping Centre...)
5. Agatha Christie's Bust - her daughter Rosalind donated the bust to Torquay in 1990 on the occasion of her mothers
100. Birthday
6. The Strand - shopping centre for Agatha
7. Museum Torquay - there is permanent exibition dedicated to Agatha Christie's live and works
8. Royal Torbay Yacht Club - Agatha's father was for a while president of the club.
9. Beacon Cove - Agatha as devoted swimmer like to swim there. Once, by high tide Agatha almost got drown, luckily she was saved by a fisherman...
10. Imperial Hotel - for Agatha place for diverse meetings with friends and diverse charitable actions
My visit in 2011 / Moja návšteva 2011
Greenway was summer residence of Agatha Christie.I have visited it in 2011 and it was wonderful experience. I traveled two hours by Fairmile Ferry from Torquay Princess Pier to Dartmouth and 15 minutes by Christie Belle on the river dart to Greenway Quay. The othe possibility is vintage bus from Torquay directly to Greenway House. /
Greenway bol letným sídlom Agathy Christie. Navštívila som ho v r. 2011 a bol to krásny zážitok. Cestovala som dve hodiny loďou Fairmile Ferry z Torquay, z móla Princess Pier do Dartmouth a odtiaľ loďou Christie Belle 15 minút po rieke Dart k prístavisku Greenway. Iná možnosť je cestovať autobusom - veteránom z Torquay priamo ku Greenway House.
Totnes Greenway House Experience / Zážitok z cesty Totnes - Greenway
Full Bloom for Agatha Christie's Garden / Záhrada Agathy Christie v plnom rozkvete
coming soon.../ pripravujem